
There's a Fungus Among Us

When we first got our dog, I had no idea that him peeing on our lawn would have such an effect on our grass. He literally "burnt" a patch of grass. It grew back but in it's place is a type of mushroom I've never seen before and it's just in the area where the dog used to pee!

I wonder...if the dog's pee can grow mushrooms, do you think he can lay a golden poop?!


Queen Goob said...

Start following him around and check out his turdage. If you find one, let me know and I'll check out Coop's!!!

Tug said...

hmmmmm...I've never done 'shrooms - you want to & let us know the effects? ;-)

Ivanna Takurpicture said...

QB, sometimes they're a little golden in color *gag* but I think that's called "Fool's Gold". *wink*

Tug, I've taken shrooms before and even if these shrooms weren't of the poisonous persuasion, I wouldn't take ones that a dog's pee grew! I think the time I drank coffee from beans that passed through a monkey's digestive system was bad enough, don't ya' think?!

Tug said...

Wha? Um... EW.

Ivanna Takurpicture said...

Yeah it sounds ew but the coffee was quite delicious actually! I just saw a story on the Food Network that there's a coffee place that sells coffee and tea products from the bowels of a cat! I like cats, the monkey sounds a little worse, lol.