
It's a bird! It's a plane! It's...

Like every other early morning, I was taking the dog out one time last week when I noticed something on the front step as I was about to re-enter my house. At first I thought it was a wasp's nest that the pest control guy had knocked down during his last visit. Upon further inspection I saw that it was this cute little guy...

It's a frog!!


Tug said...

If you didn't want me to come live with you, all you had to do was say so.

If this guy was at MY house? I'd move. swear.

Queen Goob said...

Be careful, some are poisonous so don't let the dog get near just in case.

Ivanna Takurpicture said...

Tug, I swear, if you saw him in person you wouldn't say that! He's tiny and if he still scared you, I would have to call you a pussy, lol.

Thanks Queen. I'm sure I knew that in the back of my head, lol. There are a few different kinds of frogs that I've noticed but the dog doesn't seem to be very interested in them!